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The Mary Glowrey Museum responds to requests for photos on behalf of the Collection's owners, the Catholic Women’s League of Victoria and Wagga Wagga.

CLICK HERE to complete a request form for Media Images (to be used in print and digital media stories about Mary Glowrey).

OTHER Enquiries

The Catholic Women’s League of Victoria and Wagga Wagga developed a policy for the use of photos from the Mary Glowrey Collection to try to ensure that representations from the Collection are accurate.

CLICK HERE to complete a request form for use or reproduction of photos from the Collection for purposes other than media stories.

The League also encourages consultation with the Mary Glowrey Museum to help ensure stories about Mary Glowrey are evidence based and to promote a better understanding of Mary and her legacy. The Museum curates and continues to research the Collection, which documents the life of Mary Glowrey.

To consult with the Museum team about a planned publication or representation of Mary to ensure accuracy, please get in touch.

CLICK HERE to download summary of Mary Glowrey’s life.

All Rights Reserved

This website is published by the Catholic Women's League of Victoria and Wagga Wagga (ABN 18 342 098 335, A 0017 514E) and all rights are reserved. Except where otherwise indicated, photographs are from the Mary Glowrey Collection, which is owned by the League. All requests to use or reproduce any content on this website should be made in the first instance to the Mary Glowrey Museum (info@maryglowreymuseum.info).



Autobiography of Dr Sr Mary Glowrey JMJ: 'God’s Good for Nothing'

This 2021 publication includes Mary Glowrey’s account of her life, and a continuation by her fellow Australian, Sr Peter Julian Barrett JMJ, written within a few years of Mary’s death in 1957.

It also features photographs from the Mary Glowrey Collection and commentaries that provide cultural and historical background for the texts. 

Cost: $49.95 + postage and handling $15 (Currently, Australia
only). Pay by EFT or cheque.
CLICK HERE to download an order form
Enquiries: info@maryglowreymuseum.info

Souvenir Booklet

Cost: $5, plus $5 postage per booklet.
CLICK HERE to download an order form
Email: info@maryglowreymuseum.info